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LightBurn Bridge Setup MIRA

Table of Contents

  1. What You Need
  2. Steps

What You Need

  • LightBurn Bridge
  • Micro SD Card
  • Power Plug
  • Ethernet Cable
  • Computer
  • Internet Connection
  • USB Thumb Drive


  1. Plug in and turn on the laser.
  2. Insert the Micro SD Card into the bridge, ensure it’s positioned correctly.
     Micro SD Card
    Micro SD Card
  3. Plug the power plug into the bridge, and the other end into a power source.
  4. Plug one end of the ethernet cable into the bridge. Plug the other end into the LAN INTERFACE located at the back of the laser.
    LAN Interface, back of laser
    LAN Interface, back of laser
  5. On the Keypad, press the Z/U button. Using the UP Arrow, highlight IP CONFIG+ on the screen. Press the ENTER button.
    The keypad
    The keypad
  6. Using the Arrow buttons, change the IP address to :
    Press the Z/U button after you have entered each number.
    Press ENTER.
    IP Address in window
    Enter IP Address
  7. Use the UP & DOWN Arrow buttons to highlight the Z Move on the keypad screen. Press ENTER.
    Press the LEFT Arrow button to raise the table up. Be careful to not hit the laser head on anything.
    The Keypad
    The Keypad
  8. Open the lid, and the front access door.
    Front of laser, lid open
    Front of laser, lid open
  9. Locate the blue and black cables on the floor at the front of the machine.
    Disconnect the blue cable plugged into the left side of the Ethernet hub. Lay the wires on the floor.
  10. On your computer, click on the Wifi icon in your taskbar.
    Wi-Fi icon
    Wi-Fi icon

    Choose LightBurn Bridge from the dropdown.

    LightBurn Bridge
    LightBurn Bridge
  11. The Join LightBurn Bridge window will pop-up. Select your network from the SSID dropdown.
    Enter your password.
    Click the Connect button.
    Join LightBurn Bridge window
    Join LightBurn Bridge window
  12. Click on the Wifi icon in your taskbar again.
    Wi-Fi icon
    Wi-Fi icon

    Select your personal Wi-Fi network.

    Your Wi-Fi
    Choose your Wi-Fi
  13. Open the LightBurn app.
    LightBurn app logo
    LightBurn app logo
  14. In the Laser Window, click on the Devices button.
    Laser Window
    Laser Window
  15. In the Devices Window, click on the LightBurn Bridge button.
    Devices Window
    Devices Window
  16. Click Next in the Bridge Discovery Wizard window.
    Bridge Discovery Wizard
    Bridge Discovery Wizard
  17. Click Next again to scan your network for the LightBurn Bridge.
    Bridge Discovery Wizard
    Bridge Discovery Wizard
  18. Click Add Device.
    Bridge Discovery Wizard
    Bridge Discovery Wizard
    • Enter what you would like to call your LightBurn Bridge.
    • Enter the dimensions for your machine’s work area.
        X Axis Y Axis
      MIRA5 11.81”/300mm 19.69”/500mm
      MIRA7 27.56”/450mm 17.72”/700mm
      MIRA9 35.43”/600mm 23.62”/900mm
    • Click Next.
      New Device Wizard
      New Device Wizard
  19. Set your Origin to the Rear Right.
    Origin set to Right Rear
    Origin set to Right Rear

    Click Finish to add the new device.

    New Device Wizard
    New Device Wizard, Finish
  20. In the Laser window, select LightBurn Bridge from the Devices dropdown.
    Laser window
    Laser window

    It is connected when it says “Ready” in the Laser window.

    Laser window
    Laser window
  21. Click on Device Settings in the toolbar.
    Toolbar, Device Settings

    Click the Import button.

    Import button
    Import button
  22. Plug the USB thumb drive that came with your laser into an open USB port on your computer.
    USB thumb drive
    USB thumb drive

    Locate and click on the Settings file on the USB Thumb Drive.

    Settings file
    Settings file

    Click on Scanning Offsets.lbso.

    Scanning Offsets.lbso
    Scanning Offsets.lbso

    Click OK.

    Device settings window
    Device settings window

That's it!

Updated on 11 Apr 2023